Discover the Magic of the Rhodes MK8 with Bill Laurance

Grammy-winning pianist and composer Bill Laurance, renowned for his work with Snarky Puppy and his flourishing solo career, takes centre stage in the latest ‘Rhodes Sessions.’ In these recordings, Laurance explores the dynamic capabilities of the Rhodes MK8 piano, showcasing its versatility through four original compositions that range from swing to indie rock.

Impressions of the MK8
Laurance praised the Rhodes MK8’s design and technical prowess, particularly its fluid and responsive action. “The action is unbelievable — so fluid and light. It’s like nothing else,” he remarked. This responsiveness, coupled with the instrument’s Kluge/Steinway keybed, provided an exceptional playing experience. “The MK8 maintains the essence of the original Rhodes sound while offering impressive customization options,” Laurance noted. “You can make it sound like a Mark V or VII with more bark, or you can dial it down as you wish. The capacity to tailor the instrument’s timbre and appearance is remarkable.”

Writing and Composing on the MK8
​Laurance’s four compositions — spanning indie rock, straight-ahead swing, funk, and a heartfelt ballad — demonstrate the MK8’s versatility. “What excites me most about the MK8 is its capacity to accommodate a wider spectrum of styles,” he said. Each track in the ‘Rhodes Sessions’ was crafted to showcase the full breadth of the instrument’s capabilities, with Laurance drawing inspiration directly from the MK8 itself. “It’s a whole new world,” he enthused. “The MK8 is incredibly ambitious, integrating effects and the ability to assign pedals, which takes the instrument to another level.”

Laurance was particularly inspired by the specific MK8 piano he used for the sessions, which had been signed by numerous renowned musicians who had tested out the unit previously. “Seeing the MK8 with all the signatures on it was incredible. Knowing that so many amazing musicians had played this instrument was truly inspiring. It felt as if the piano itself was a conduit for creativity, guiding the writing process,” Laurance reflected.

The four tracks included in the sessions are:

  1. Do What You Want: A straight groove piece, enhanced by the MK8’s delay effects, allowing Laurance to easily add nuances.
  2. What It Is: A funk-based song showcasing another unique aspect of the MK8’s sound palette.
  3. JuJu: A ballad that came to life with the MK8’s tremolo, highlighting its ability to produce rich, emotional tones.
  4. Set Piece: An indie rock inspired track where Laurance utilized the MK8’s overdrive feature to create powerful riffs.

Celebrating the Legacy and Future of Rhodes

Laurance expressed his admiration for the Rhodes team, particularly Chief Product Officer Dan Goldman, for their visionary approach to the MK8. With the ‘Rhodes Sessions,’ Bill Laurance celebrates the legacy of the Rhodes brand and invites audiences to explore the future of music with the MK8. “The MK8 is a testament to remaining respectful of the Rhodes tradition while pushing into the next generation,” he stated. “It’s about embracing technology and celebrating what these instruments can achieve.”

For musicians and enthusiasts alike, the Rhodes MK8 offers unparalleled performance and versatility. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a passionate hobbyist, the MK8 promises to inspire and elevate your musical journey.

Order Your Rhodes MK8 Electric Piano Today!


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